Wasserprobennehmer Außenfilter Water sampler external filter
Water sam­pler
Schlauchpumpe SL-18 Peristaltic pump SL-18
Peris­tal­tic pump
Kabellichtlot Water level meter
Water level meter
Brunnenausbaumaterial Well construction material
Well con­s­truc­tion mate­ri­al
PE-Schlauch PE hose
Wasserprobennehmer Außenfilter Water sampler external filter
Water sam­pler
Schlauchpumpe SL-18 Peristaltic pump SL-18
Peris­tal­tic pump
Kabellichtlot Water level meter
Water level meter
Brunnenausbaumaterial Well construction material
Well con­s­truc­tion
PE-Schlauch PE hose

Direct Push water sam­pler

The direct-push (DP) water sam­pler type S‑9097, DP 32/42, and DP 36/48 (RDS) allow for cost-effec­ti­ve sam­pling of ground­wa­ter.

These sam­plers are direct­ly driven into the depth to be inves­ti­ga­ted. Water enters the system through a filter and is pumped up through a hose. After use, the system does not remain in the bore­hole. Cost-effec­ti­ve appli­ca­ti­ons include the deter­mi­na­ti­on of con­ta­mi­na­ti­on spreads from old waste sites and their extent, as well as asses­sing con­cre­te aggres­si­ve­ness for soil inves­ti­ga­ti­ons. This system can avoid the need for com­plex well instal­la­ti­ons for cer­tain stu­dies.

Water sam­pler DP32/42, DP36/48(RDS)

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The water sam­pler can be used with the hollow drill rod DP 32/42 or with the hollow drill rod DP 36/48 (RDS). Dif­fe­rent con­nec­tion pieces are requi­red depen­ding on the thread con­nec­tion.

Two water sam­pler sys­tems are available for use.

System with exter­nal filter: Water enters the water sam­pler through an exter­nal filter and can be pumped out through a hose intro­du­ced through the hollow dril rod.

System with an inter­nal filter: The system is driven closed into the depth to be inves­ti­ga­ted. Sub­se­quent­ly, the ejec­tion rod is inser­ted into the hollow drill rod. The lost ramming cone is ejec­ted, and the inter­nal filter is exten­ded. After­ward, water can be pumped out through a hose.

Water sam­pler S‑9097

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The water sam­pler is driven into the depth to be inves­ti­ga­ted either manu­al­ly or by machi­ne ope­ra­ti­on.

Water enters the filter through a replaceable exter­nal filter and is pumped up through a hose intro­du­ced from above through the hollw rod. With the foot valves, water can be pumped up from depths up to 20 meters.

After the initi­al water sam­pling, the sam­pler can be advan­ced to fur­ther depth for ground­wa­ter inves­ti­ga­ti­on.

Water sam­pler PVC glass
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The trans­pa­rent water sam­pler made of PVC glass allows for the extra­c­tion of water samples from various depths. By using a threa­ded adap­ter and addi­tio­nal PVC exten­si­ons, the sam­pler can be exten­ded, ther­eby incre­asing the sample volume.

It is ide­al­ly suited for the relia­ble extra­c­tion of water samples from wells and pie­zo­me­ter tubes for inves­ti­ga­ti­ons in the field of envi­ron­men­tal moni­to­ring, hydro­geo­lo­gy and water qua­li­ty ana­ly­sis.

Piston sam­pler

The piston sam­pler is sui­ta­ble for sam­pling soil below the ground­wa­ter level and for extra­c­ting (sandy) sedi­ment samples.

The piston inte­gra­ted into the suc­tion tube is manu­al­ly pulled up by a piston rod, crea­ting a vacuum to secure the soil sample. The piston rod also serves to push out the soil sample.

Dia­me­ter              Length
40 mm                  1000 mm
40 mm                  2000 mm
