Nutstangen Notched rods
Not­ched rods
Rohrbohrer Ø 32 mm Pipe drill Ø 32 mm
Pipe drills
Handbohrstock Ø 28x1000 mm Hand drill Ø 28x1000 mm
Hand drills
Bohrersatz S-10 Drilling set S‑10
Nmin-Dril­ling set
Schonhammer Soft mallet
Bohrstock-Caddy SB-2300, Feldgeräte optional Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 field instruments optional
Hand drill-Caddy
Austechzylinder Soil sample rings
Soil sample rings
Bodenluftsonde Soil air probe
Soil air probe
Dreh- und Ziehgriff Rotary handle
Nutstangen Notched rods
Not­ched rods
Rohrbohrer Ø 32 mm Pipe drill Ø 32 mm
Pipe drills
Handbohrstock Ø 28x1000 mm Hand drill Ø 28x1000 mm
Hand drills
Bohrersatz S-10 Drilling set S‑10
Nmin-Dril­ling set
Schonhammer Soft mallet
Bohrstock-Caddy SB-2300, Feldgeräte optional Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 field instruments optional
Hand drill-Caddy
Austechzylinder Soil sample rings
Soil sample rings
Bodenluftsonde Soil air probe
Soil air probe
Dreh- und Ziehgriff Rotary handle

Soil sample rings

The gal­va­ni­zed soil sam­pling rings made of pre­cis­i­on steel, are used to obtain undis­tur­bed soil samples on the sur­face or in bore­holes.

They are highly sui­ta­ble for labo­ra­to­ry inves­ti­ga­ti­ons to deter­mi­ne mois­tu­re con­tent or per­mea­bi­li­ty.

The handy impact cap with a sturdy handle aids in dri­ving the soil sample rings. Two clo­sure caps are sup­pli­ed with each soil sample ring to secu­re­ly seal the extra­c­ted soil samples.

Dimen­si­ons                  Sample volume
Ø 100x2x120 mm        868 cm³                                

Impact cap

The impact cap is used for dri­ving the soil sam­pling ring. It is equip­ped with a sturdy, impact-resistant handle.

100 mm

Case — set

The prac­ti­cal case set con­sists of a total of 12 soil sam­pling rings with a dia­me­ter of Ø 100x2x120 mm, a pla­s­tic case, and 24 clo­sure caps.

Thanks to the pla­s­tic case, the soil sample rings can be trans­por­ted com­for­ta­b­ly to the site while being pro­tec­ted from exter­nal influen­ces. This con­tri­bu­tes to ensure the qua­li­ty of the obtai­ned samples.

  1 pc. trans­port case
12 pcs. soil sam­pling rings Ø 100x2x120 mm
24 pcs. clo­sure caps