Rammkernsonden Window sampler
Window sam­pler
Sondierstangen Extension rods
Exten­si­on rods
Mecha­ni­cal pul­ling devices
Hydrau­lic lif­ting sys­tems
Wacker BH55 Breaker hammer Wacker BH55
Brea­k­er ham­mers
Schlagwerkzeuge Striking pens
Striking pens
Kugelklemmen Ball clamps
Ball clamps
Flügelschergerät Vane shear device
Vane shear device
Ablagegestell Storage rack
Rammkernsonden Window sampler
Window sam­pler
Sondierstangen Extension rods
Exten­si­on rods
Mecha­ni­cal pul­ling devices
Hydrau­lic lif­ting sys­tems
Wacker BH55 Breaker hammer Wacker BH55
Brea­k­er ham­mers
Schlagwerkzeuge Striking pens
Striking pens
Kugelklemmen Ball clamps
Ball clamps
Flügelschergerät Vane shear device
Vane shear device
Ablagegestell Storage rack

Hydrau­lic lif­ting system S‑2009

The light­weight com­pact hydrau­lic lif­ting system S‑2009 with built-in auto­ma­tic pull mecha­nism is desi­gned for mobile use for pul­ling pro­bing rods and per­cus­sion window sam­plers.

To per­form the pul­ling, either ball or jaw clamps are used. With the 4‑stroke HONDA gaso­li­ne engine, easy start­ing and long-term usage are ensu­red due to high-qua­li­ty mate­ri­als used in con­s­truc­tion.

Thanks to the built-in speed lif­ting device, pul­ling speeds of up to 120 cm/min are pos­si­ble.

Optio­nal­ly, the pul­ling device can be equip­ped with an addi­tio­nal hydrau­lic fil­tra­ti­on system. This helps pre­vent fail­ures and down­ti­me due to con­ta­mi­na­ti­on in the hydrau­lic system and extends the life­span of the equip­ment.

1 pc. hydrau­lic aggre­ga­te type S‑2009
1 pc. lif­ting unit S‑42 / S‑52
1 pc. sup­port board
1 pc. top plate

Weight ca.:                25 kg
Lif­ting speed:            up to 120 cm/min

Weight S‑42 ca.:              20 kg
Weight S‑52 ca.:              24 kg
Lif­ting capa­ci­ty S‑42:
        7 t
Lif­ting capa­ci­ty S‑52:      11 t

Hydrau­lic lif­ting system SZ / SZ‑R

The high per­for­mance hydrau­lic lif­ting system SZ with built-in auto­ma­tic pull mecha­nism is a powerful system with gaso­li­ne engine. The system can be ope­ra­ted at pul­ling speeds of up to 270 cm/min.

Due to its fast pul­ling speed, wai­ting times when extra­c­ting pro­bing rods and per­cus­sion window sam­plers can be signi­fi­cant­ly be redu­ced.

For mobile use, the aggre­ga­te can be optio­nal­ly equip­ped with a set of 4 solid rubber tires, a remo­veable draw­bar, and a prac­ti­cal holder for the lif­ting unit and sup­port board.

Optio­nal­ly, the pul­ling device can be equip­ped with an addi­tio­nal hydrau­lic fil­tra­ti­on system. This helps pre­vent fail­ures and down­ti­me due to con­ta­mi­na­ti­on in the hydrau­lic system and extends the life­span of the equip­ment.

1 pc. hydrau­lic aggre­ga­te type SZ / SZ‑R
1 pc. lif­ting unit S‑42 / S‑52 / S‑61
1 pc. sup­port board
1 pc. top plate

Weight ca:                  41 kg
Lif­ting speed:            up to 270 cm/min

Weight S‑42 ca.:              20 kg
Weight S‑52 ca.:              24 kg
Weight S‑61 ca.:              31 kg
Lif­ting capa­ci­ty S‑42:
        9 t
Lif­ting capa­ci­ty S‑52:      14 t
Lif­ting capa­ci­ty S‑61:      20 t

Hydrau­lic lif­ting system SZE / SZE‑R

If a gaso­li­ne-powered lif­ting system cannot or should not be used (e.g., in enc­lo­sed spaces). For such situa­tions or simi­lar ones, we offer the hydrau­lic lif­ting system SZE with a 1,1 kW elec­tric motor. The system can be ope­ra­ted at pul­ling speeds of up to 180 cm/min.

Due to its fast pul­ling speed, wai­ting times when extra­c­ting pro­bing rods and per­cus­sion window sam­plers can be signi­fi­cant­ly be redu­ced.

For mobile use, the aggre­ga­te can be optio­nal­ly equip­ped with a set of 4 solid rubber tires, a remo­veable draw­bar, and a prac­ti­cal holder for the lif­ting unit and sup­port board.

Optio­nal­ly, the pul­ling device can be equip­ped with an addi­tio­nal hydrau­lic fil­tra­ti­on system. This helps pre­vent fail­ures and down­ti­me due to con­ta­mi­na­ti­on in the hydrau­lic system and extends the life­span of the equip­ment.

1 pc. hydrau­lic aggre­ga­te type SZE / SZE‑R
1 pc. lif­ting unit S‑42 / S‑52
1 pc. sup­port board
1 pc. top plate

Weight ca.:                 38 kg
Lif­ting speed:            up to 180 cm/min

Weight S‑42 ca.:              20 kg
Weight S‑52 ca.:              24 kg
Lif­ting capa­ci­ty S‑42:
        9 t
Lif­ting capa­ci­ty S‑52:      14 t

Pro­duct video:
