Bohrstock-Caddy SB-2300, Feldgeräte optional Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 field instruments optional
Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300
Wasserprobennehmer AD 32 mm Water sampler outer diameter 32 mm
Water sam­pler PVC glass
Kornstufenschaulehre Sand gauge
Sand gauge
Handbohrstock SK Hand drill SK
Hand drill SK
Mittlere pneumatische Rammsonde DPM Pneumatic dynamic probing medium DPM
Dyna­mic pro­bing medium DPM
Bohrstock-Caddy SB-2300, Feldgeräte optional Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 field instruments optional
Hand drill-Caddy
Wasserprobennehmer AD 32 mm Water sampler outer diameter 32 mm
Water sam­pler PVC glass
Kornstufenschaulehre Sand gauge
Sand gauge
Handbohrstock SK Hand drill SK
Hand drill SK
Mittlere pneumatische Rammsonde DPM Pneumatic dynamic probing medium DPM
Dyna­mic pro­bing medium DPM

Pneu­ma­tic dyna­mic pro­bing medium DPM

Optio­nal­ly, the light­weight pneu­ma­tic dyna­mic pro­bing device DPL can be upgraded to the medi­um­weight dyna­mic pro­bing device DPM using an attach­ment weight.

The DPM dyna­mic pro­bing is espe­ci­al­ly sui­ta­ble for grea­ter pene­tra­ti­on depths com­pared to DPL. Due to its grea­ter mass, the DPM dyna­mic pro­bing is advan­ta­ge­ous for pene­t­ra­ting hard soils.

The attach­ment weight is placed on the pene­tro­me­ter and secu­red using a moun­ting clamp. This allows for quick con­ver­si­on bet­ween DPL and DPM depen­ding on the ope­ra­ting con­di­ti­ons.

1 pc. com­pres­sor aggre­ga­te DPL / DPL‑R
1 pc. pneu­ma­tic pene­tro­me­ter DPL
1 pc. attach­ment weight 20 kg — DPM
1 pc. moun­ting clamp — DPM
1 pc. trans­port unit — DPM
1 pc. air hose, 2 m
1 pc. linch pin
1 pc. rotary staff
1 pc. impact head M16
1 pc. impact head M20
1 pc. pla­s­tic oiler with spe­cial oil 

Engine:                       HONDA-4-stroke gaso­li­ne
Frame:                        sto­rage for pene­tro­me­ter and access­ories
Air volume:                adjus­ta­ble
DPL weight ca.:         24 kg 
DPL‑R weight ca.:     33,5 kg

Drop weight DPL:     10 kg
Drop weight DPM:    30 kg
Height of fall:
            50 cm
Weight DPL ca.:        16 kg
Weight DPM ca.:       36 kg