Rammkernsonden Window sampler
Window sam­pler
Sondierstangen Extension rods
Exten­si­on rods
Mecha­ni­cal pul­ling devices
Hydrau­lic lif­ting sys­tems
Wacker BH55 Breaker hammer Wacker BH55
Brea­k­er ham­mers
Schlagwerkzeuge Striking pens
Striking pens
Kugelklemmen Ball clamps
Ball clamps
Flügelschergerät Vane shear device
Vane shear device
Ablagegestell Storage rack
Rammkernsonden Window sampler
Window sam­pler
Sondierstangen Extension rods
Exten­si­on rods
Mecha­ni­cal pul­ling devices
Hydrau­lic lif­ting sys­tems
Wacker BH55 Breaker hammer Wacker BH55
Brea­k­er ham­mers
Schlagwerkzeuge Striking pens
Striking pens
Kugelklemmen Ball clamps
Ball clamps
Flügelschergerät Vane shear device
Vane shear device
Ablagegestell Storage rack

Mil­wau­kee flood­light

The Mil­wau­kee flood­light stands out with its powerful LED lights pro­du­cing up to 6000 lumens of TRUEVIEW bright­ness. The flood­light is adjus­ta­ble in height from 1 m to 2,20 m, allo­wing for nearly shadow-free work.

The rotata­ble flood­light head is equip­ped with 3 indi­vi­du­al­ly til­ta­ble LED lights. This allows the light beam to be adjus­ted broad­ly or focu­sed pre­cis­e­ly as desi­red. Both mains or bat­tery ope­ra­ti­on are pos­si­ble.

Sto­rage rack

A con­ve­ni­ent sto­rage solu­ti­on for per­cus­sion window sam­plers, pro­bing rods, and tools. Pro­tects against con­ta­mi­na­ti­on and faci­li­ta­tes fieldwork.

It can be easily folded and fea­tures a handy sto­rage com­part­ment.
