Bohrstock-Caddy SB-2300, Feldgeräte optional Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 field instruments optional
Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300
Wasserprobennehmer AD 32 mm Water sampler outer diameter 32 mm
Water sam­pler PVC glass
Kornstufenschaulehre Sand gauge
Sand gauge
Leichte pneumatische Rammsonde S-RM-65 - Set Pneumatic dynamic probing light S-RM-65 - Set
Dyna­mic pro­bing light S‑RM-65
Mittlere pneumatische Rammsonde DPM Pneumatic dynamic probing medium DPM
Dyna­mic pro­bing medium DPM
Bohrstock-Caddy SB-2300, Feldgeräte optional Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 field instruments optional
Hand drill-Caddy
Wasserprobennehmer AD 32 mm Water sampler outer diameter 32 mm
Water sam­pler PVC glass
Kornstufenschaulehre Sand gauge
Sand gauge
Leichte pneumatische Rammsonde S-RM-65 - Set Pneumatic dynamic probing light S-RM-65 - Set
Hand drill SK
Mittlere pneumatische Rammsonde DPM Pneumatic dynamic probing medium DPM
Dyna­mic pro­bing medium DPM
Water sam­pler PVC glass
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The trans­pa­rent water sam­pler made of PVC glass allows for the extra­c­tion of water samples from various depths. By using a threa­ded adap­ter and addi­tio­nal PVC exten­si­ons, the sam­pler can be exten­ded, ther­eby incre­asing the sample volume.

It is ide­al­ly suited for the relia­ble extra­c­tion of water samples from wells and pie­zo­me­ter tubes for inves­ti­ga­ti­ons in the field of envi­ron­men­tal moni­to­ring, hydro­geo­lo­gy and water qua­li­ty ana­ly­sis.