Leichtes Rammsondiergerät - Set Lightweight penetrometer set
Light­weight pene­tro­me­ter
Leichte pneumatische Rammsonde DPL - Set Pneumatic dynamic probing light DPL - set
Dyna­mic pro­bing light DPL
Mittlere pneumatische Rammsonde DPM Pneumatic dynamic probing medium DPM
Dyna­mic pro­bing medium DPM
Schwere pneumatische Rammsonde DPH Pneumatic dynamic probing heavy DPH
Dyna­mic pro­bing heavy DPH
DPH Caddy Lifter DPH-Caddy-Lifter
Rammsondierspitzen Probing cones
Leichtes Rammsondiergerät - Set Lightweight penetrometer set
Light­weight pene­tro­me­ter
Leichte pneumatische Rammsonde DPL - Set Pneumatic dynamic probing light DPL - set
Dyna­mic pro­bing light DPL
Mittlere pneumatische Rammsonde DPM Pneumatic dynamic probing medium DPM
Dyna­mic pro­bing medium DPM
Schwere pneumatische Rammsonde DPH Pneumatic dynamic probing heavy DPH
Dyna­mic pro­bing heavy DPH
DPH Caddy Lifter DPH-Caddy-Lifter
Rammsondierspitzen Probing cones

Light­weight pene­tro­me­ter

The device is used to mea­su­re the pene­tra­ti­on resis­tance in geo­tech­ni­cal inves­ti­ga­ti­ons. In dyna­mic pro­bing, the pro­bing rod with a pre-screwed, defi­ned impact point is driven into the sub­sur­face by the drop weight with pre-defi­ned fal­ling height. During this pro­cess, the pene­tra­ti­on depth and the number of impacts are recor­ded

Dyna­mic pro­bing tests can be con­duc­ted quick­ly and are sui­ta­ble for a gene­ral assess­ment of the subsurface´s strength.

The advan­ta­ges of the light­weight pene­tro­me­ter lie in its robust con­s­truc­tion and the abili­ty for one person to ope­ra­te it.

1 pc. anvil
1 pc. drop weight
1 pc. guide rod with hand­grip
1 pc. dyna­mic pro­bing cone 10 cm²
6 pcs. exten­si­on rod Ø 22x1000 mm
1 pc. con­s­truc­tion wrench AF 11
2 pcs. con­s­truc­tion wrench AF 19
1 pc. con­s­truc­tion wrench AF 27
1 pc. pul­ling device S‑9002, Hub­last 1000 kg
1 pc. alu­mi­num case

Hand­cart SH

The stee­ra­ble 2‑axle hand­cart SH with a sturdy welded steel con­s­truc­tion is sui­ta­ble for trans­port­ing the light­weight pene­tro­me­ter from STITZ.

For trans­por­ta­ti­on, you can use either the alu­mi­num trans­port box sup­pli­ed with the light­weight pene­tro­me­ter or alter­na­tively, the pla­s­tic trans­port crate.

The hand­cart can be dis­as­sem­bled into four easily storable indi­vi­du­al parts. These parts can be stored in the alu­mi­num trans­port box tog­e­ther with the light­weight pene­tro­me­ter.
