Bohrstock-Caddy SB-2300, Feldgeräte optional Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 field instruments optional
Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300
Wasserprobennehmer AD 32 mm Water sampler outer diameter 32 mm
Water sam­pler PVC glass
Kornstufenschaulehre Sand gauge
Sand gauge
Leichte pneumatische Rammsonde S-RM-65 - Set Pneumatic dynamic probing light S-RM-65 - Set
Dyna­mic pro­bing light S‑RM-65
Mittlere pneumatische Rammsonde DPM Pneumatic dynamic probing medium DPM
Dyna­mic pro­bing medium DPM
Bohrstock-Caddy SB-2300, Feldgeräte optional Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 field instruments optional
Hand drill-Caddy
Wasserprobennehmer AD 32 mm Water sampler outer diameter 32 mm
Water sam­pler PVC glass
Kornstufenschaulehre Sand gauge
Sand gauge
Leichte pneumatische Rammsonde S-RM-65 - Set Pneumatic dynamic probing light S-RM-65 - Set
Hand drill SK
Mittlere pneumatische Rammsonde DPM Pneumatic dynamic probing medium DPM
Dyna­mic pro­bing medium DPM

Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300

The hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 is a relia­ble com­pa­n­ion for field ope­ra­ti­ons.

During com­pre­hen­si­ve field inves­ti­ga­ti­ons, various field equip­ment and samples can quick­ly accu­mu­la­te seve­ral kilo­grams.

The hand drill-Caddy pro­vi­des various sto­rage spaces for:

  • Hand drills
  • Nmin-drill set
  • Mallet
  • Pul­ling device
  • Sample buckets
  • Tools

Thanks to the sto­rage spaces, even dring exten­si­ve field exami­na­ti­ons, field equip­ment, samples, and tools can be easily trans­por­ted.

With the adjus­ta­ble hand­le­bar, it can be set to dif­fe­rent heights for trans­por­ta­ti­on, cate­ring to various body sizes. Air-filled wheels reduce the over­all weight com­pared to solid rubber wheels. The trans­port box can be filled with addi­tio­nal tools and can be taken out.

Thre sample buckets are used to sepe­ra­te soil samples from dif­fe­rent depths. This allows for a sepa­ra­te bucket for each depth, such as 30 cm, 60 cm, and 90 cm, in a Nmin inves­ti­ga­ti­on.

Both the hand­le­bar and the bucket holder can be dis­as­sem­bled for trans­port in a vehic­le, making the hand drill-Caddy par­ti­cu­lar­ly space-saving.

1 pc. hand drill-Caddy SB-2300
1 pc. trans­port­box with lid
3 pcs. sample bucket 5,6 Liter with lid

Weight ca.:              16,8 kg
Max. capa­ci­ty:           65 kg

Pro­duct video: