Hand drills
These hand drills are used for taking larÂgeÂly undisÂdurÂbed soil samples, soil mapÂping, and nutÂriÂent conÂtent assessÂments from depth of up to 100 cm.
Due to their lightÂweight conÂsÂtrucÂtion, high staÂbiÂliÂty, and harÂdenÂed tapeÂred tips, these hand drills are suiÂtaÂble for effiÂciÂent work.
Now also available as an extenÂdaÂble verÂsiÂon!
Outer — Ø Groove Groove length
22 mm 14 mm 900 mm
28 mm 18 mm 1000 mm
Hand drill — Set 2020
This multi-part and expanÂdaÂble set proÂviÂdes a varieÂty of essenÂtiÂal tools for soil samÂpling.
Thanks to the comÂpreÂhenÂsiÂve accessÂories included, fieldwork is signiÂfiÂcantÂly faciÂliaÂted. In addiÂtiÂon to the extenÂdaÂble hand drill with extenÂsiÂon rod, the packaÂge conÂtaÂins matching tools, a soft mallet, and a pulÂling device.
Thanks to the extenÂdaÂble hand drill, samples can be taken from depths below 100 cm.
If needed, the set can be expanÂded with a suiÂtaÂble edelÂmann manual drill.
1 pc. extenÂdaÂble hand drill Ø 28 x 1000 mm, M16
1 pc. rotary handle 525 mm
1 pc. striking head M16
1 pc. extenÂsiÂon rod Ø 22 x 1000 mm, M16
1 pc. conÂsÂtrucÂtion wrench AF 11
1 pc. conÂsÂtrucÂtion wrench AF 19
1 pc. conÂsÂtrucÂtion wrench AF 24
1 pc. round brush interÂnal thread M16
1 pc. soft malle Ø 120 mm striking surÂface
1 pc. pulÂling device S‑9000
EdelÂmann manual drill M16
The edelÂmann manual drill ist suiÂtaÂble for extraÂcÂting soil mateÂriÂal. It impresÂses with miniÂmal fricÂtion when screÂwing in and pulÂling out of the soil.
The sturdy drill head can be screwed onto stanÂdard extenÂsiÂon rods thanks to the M16 conÂnecÂtion thread.
1 pc. edelÂmann drill
1 pc. extenÂsiÂon rod 22x1000 mm
1 pc. striking head M16
1 pc. rotary handle 525 mm
Hand drill SK
The optiÂmiÂzed hand drill is suiÂtaÂble for soil samÂpling in light, medium, and heavy soils.
The rubber handÂgrips proÂviÂde a secure hold for your hands. The comÂforÂtaÂble footÂholds make it much easier to peneÂtraÂte the ground.
It feaÂtures a redeÂsiÂgned drill head for improÂved funcÂtionÂalÂliÂty. The hand drill is suiÂtaÂble for being driven in with a soft mallet.
ProÂduct video: