Nutstangen Notched rods
Not­ched rods
Rohrbohrer Ø 32 mm Pipe drill Ø 32 mm
Pipe drills
Handbohrstock Ø 28x1000 mm Hand drill Ø 28x1000 mm
Hand drills
Bohrersatz S-10 Drilling set S‑10
Nmin-Dril­ling set
Schonhammer Soft mallet
Bohrstock-Caddy SB-2300, Feldgeräte optional Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 field instruments optional
Hand drill-Caddy
Austechzylinder Soil sample rings
Soil sample rings
Bodenluftsonde Soil air probe
Soil air probe
Dreh- und Ziehgriff Rotary handle
Nutstangen Notched rods
Not­ched rods
Rohrbohrer Ø 32 mm Pipe drill Ø 32 mm
Pipe drills
Handbohrstock Ø 28x1000 mm Hand drill Ø 28x1000 mm
Hand drills
Bohrersatz S-10 Drilling set S‑10
Nmin-Dril­ling set
Schonhammer Soft mallet
Bohrstock-Caddy SB-2300, Feldgeräte optional Hand drill-Caddy SB-2300 field instruments optional
Hand drill-Caddy
Austechzylinder Soil sample rings
Soil sample rings
Bodenluftsonde Soil air probe
Soil air probe
Dreh- und Ziehgriff Rotary handle

Hand drills

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These hand drills are used for taking lar­ge­ly undis­dur­bed soil samples, soil map­ping, and nut­ri­ent con­tent assess­ments from depth of up to 100 cm.

Due to their light­weight con­s­truc­tion, high sta­bi­li­ty, and har­den­ed tape­red tips, these hand drills are sui­ta­ble for effi­ci­ent work.

Now also available as an exten­da­ble ver­si­on!

Outer — Ø            Groove              Groove length
22 mm               14 mm                900 mm
28 mm               18 mm              1000 mm

Hand drill — Set 2020

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This multi-part and expan­da­ble set pro­vi­des a varie­ty of essen­ti­al tools for soil sam­pling.

Thanks to the com­pre­hen­si­ve access­ories included, fieldwork is signi­fi­cant­ly faci­lia­ted. In addi­ti­on to the exten­da­ble hand drill with exten­si­on rod, the packa­ge con­ta­ins matching tools, a soft mallet, and a pul­ling device.

Thanks to the exten­da­ble hand drill, samples can be taken from depths below 100 cm.

If needed, the set can be expan­ded with a sui­ta­ble edel­mann manual drill.

1 pc. exten­da­ble hand drill Ø 28 x 1000 mm, M16
1 pc. rotary handle 525 mm
1 pc. striking head M16
1 pc. exten­si­on rod Ø 22 x 1000 mm, M16
1 pc. con­s­truc­tion wrench AF 11
1 pc. con­s­truc­tion wrench AF 19
1 pc. con­s­truc­tion wrench AF 24
1 pc. round brush inter­nal thread M16
1 pc. soft malle Ø 120 mm striking sur­face
1 pc. pul­ling device S‑9000

Edel­mann manual drill M16

The edel­mann manual drill ist sui­ta­ble for extra­c­ting soil mate­ri­al. It impres­ses with mini­mal fric­tion when scre­wing in and pul­ling out of the soil.

The sturdy drill head can be screwed onto stan­dard exten­si­on rods thanks to the M16 con­nec­tion thread.

1 pc. edel­mann drill
1 pc. exten­si­on rod 22x1000 mm
1 pc. striking head M16
1 pc. rotary handle 525 mm

Hand drill SK

The opti­mi­zed hand drill is sui­ta­ble for soil sam­pling in light, medium, and heavy soils.

The rubber hand­grips pro­vi­de a secure hold for your hands. The com­for­ta­ble foot­holds make it much easier  to pene­tra­te the ground.

It fea­tures a rede­si­gned drill head for impro­ved func­tion­al­li­ty. The hand drill is sui­ta­ble for being driven in with a soft mallet.

Pro­duct video:
