Wasserprobennehmer Außenfilter Water sampler external filter
Water sam­pler
Schlauchpumpe SL-18 Peristaltic pump SL-18
Peris­tal­tic pump
Kabellichtlot Water level meter
Water level meter
Brunnenausbaumaterial Well construction material
Well con­s­truc­tion mate­ri­al
PE-Schlauch PE hose
Wasserprobennehmer Außenfilter Water sampler external filter
Water sam­pler
Schlauchpumpe SL-18 Peristaltic pump SL-18
Peris­tal­tic pump
Kabellichtlot Water level meter
Water level meter
Brunnenausbaumaterial Well construction material
Well con­s­truc­tion
PE-Schlauch PE hose

Peris­tal­tic pump SL-18

The bat­tery-powered peris­tal­tic pump SL-18 is con­nec­ted to the PE-hose via the hose sup­port plate SHB. The hose pump can be direct­ly atta­ched to the ground­wa­ter tube using the SL adap­ter.

The water is pumped using a foot valve and a replaceable PE-hose.

After immer­sing the foot valve in the water, water enters the hose. An oscil­la­ting move­ment of the hose pro­mo­tes the water. The escape of vola­ti­le orga­nic sub­s­tances is ther­eby mini­mi­zed.

1 pc. preis­tal­tic pump SL-18
1 pc. pump sup­port with clamp
1 pc. hose sup­port plate
1 pc. trans­port case

Weight ca.:                1,9 kg
Vol­ta­ge:                     18V

Foot valve

In cases where the use of a con­ven­tio­nal pump is not pos­si­ble or unde­si­ra­ble, stain­less steel foot valves are used for pum­ping ground­wa­ter.

The foot valve is con­nec­ted to a hose. After immer­sing the foot valve in the water, water enters the hose. An oscil­la­ting move­ment of the hose pro­mo­tes the water.

The escape of vola­ti­le orga­nic sub­s­tances is mini­mi­zed in this pro­cess. The hose is inex­pen­si­ve and easy to replace.

Valve‑Ø              Hose size
11 mm               Ø 10x1 mm
14 mm               Ø 12x1 mm
14 mm               Ø 14x2 mm   

Pro­duct video:
