Stitz GmbH — Your spe­cia­list for geo­tech­ni­cal and soil test­ing equip­ment
Window sam­pling
Schwere pneumatische Rammsonde DPH Pneumatic dynamic probing heavy DPH
Dyna­mic pro­bing
Bodenuntersuchung Soil investigation
Soil inves­ti­ga­ti­on
Wasserbeprobung Set Water sampling set
Water Sam­pling

News from STITZ GmbH

Stitz GmbH is proud to intro­du­ce its inno­va­ti­ve pro­duct: the pneu­ma­tic pene­tro­me­ter S‑RM-65. The new design and inno­va­ti­ve con­s­truc­tion enable more effi­ci­ent and safer work. Thanks to its light­weight and modern tech­no­lo­gy, the S‑RM-65 is well-suited for deman­ding appli­ca­ti­ons and impro­ve ever­y­day work life.

New pro­duct

Stitz GmbH is proud to intro­du­ce its inno­va­ti­ve pro­duct: the pneu­ma­tic pene­tro­me­ter S‑RM-65. The new design and inno­va­ti­ve con­s­truc­tion enable more effi­ci­ent and safer work. Thanks to its light­weight and modern tech­no­lo­gy, the S‑RM-65 is well-suited for deman­ding appli­ca­ti­ons and impro­ve ever­y­day work life.


Stitz GmbH is proud to intro­du­ce its inno­va­ti­ve pro­duct: the pneu­ma­tic pene­tro­me­ter S‑RM-65. The new design and inno­va­ti­ve con­s­truc­tion enable more effi­ci­ent and safer work. Thanks to its light­weight and modern tech­no­lo­gy, the S‑RM-65 is well-suited for deman­ding appli­ca­ti­ons and impro­ve ever­y­day work life.

Wel­co­me to Stitz GmbH from Ger­ma­ny

For over 60 years, we have been a spe­cia­li­zed pro­duc­tion faci­li­ty for soil and foun­da­ti­on inves­ti­ga­ti­on equip­ment for geo­tech­ni­cal appli­ca­ti­ons. In the third gene­ra­ti­on, we have been manu­fac­tu­ring soil mecha­nics equip­ment, con­tri­bu­ting to con­s­truc­tion and infra­struc­tu­re pro­jects.
Tog­e­ther with our skil­led employees and the available machi­nery, we are capa­ble of pro­du­cing a wide range of ver­sa­ti­le pro­ducts. Addi­tio­nal­ly, we also per­form main­ten­an­ce and repair work.
Not only in Ger­ma­ny but world­wi­de, we dis­tri­bu­te our pro­ducts. Our cus­to­mers include a varie­ty of engi­nee­ring firms, uni­ver­si­ties and insti­tu­tes.

We can offer sui­ta­ble equip­ment for a varie­ty of pro­jects. Whe­ther it´s road con­s­truc­tion, site inves­ti­ga­ti­on, soil air ana­ly­ses, Nmin soil ana­ly­sis, or archaeo­lo­gi­cal excava­tions, we are happy to advise you and pro­vi­de you with the appro­pria­te equip­ment.

In our cata­log, you will find pro­ducts sui­ta­ble for various appli­ca­ti­ons. If you don´t find what you´re loo­king for, feel free to inqui­re with us! We are happy to assist you in addres­sing your needs.

Trust in our expe­ri­ence and send us your inquiry. We are here to sup­port you as a relia­ble part­ner.

We look for­ward to being able to create a custom offer for you.

We are now on Face­book & Insta­gram!
On Face­book & Insta­gram you can find awe­so­me con­tri­bu­ti­ons to our
Pro­ducts and gene­ral Infor­ma­ti­ons to the Stitz GmbH